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Small Projects and Events Fund

The next deadline for applications to the Small Projects and Events Fund is Friday 1 November 2024.  Please read the below for more information.

This fund (under its initial name of the SLS Legal Scholarship Fund) was established in 2014 to support projects or activities by members which fall within the charitable objects of the Society* but outside the terms of the SLS Research Activities Fund (which provide for awards “for the purpose of assisting [the applicant] in their research including speaking at a conference…”) or of the SLS Annual Seminar Series (which provide funding for a major annual symposium). Subject to those limitations (and to appropriate funds continuing to be available), the projects or activities include those relating either to teaching or to research, or to both (including the organisation of pedagogical or research events).

The fund is not designed to support essentially individual research projects or activities, for which the most appropriate route is the Research Activities Fund. The annual limit of the fund (i.e. the total set aside annually to cover all awards) is currently £30,000 and this will be reviewed annually.

Applications for an award from the fund may be made by any Ordinary Member (Associate members are not eligible) of the Society in good standing (i.e. fully paid-up) as at the 30th September prior to the date of the application. The two deadlines for applications are 1st May and 1st November.

Applications, using the standard application form should be sent by email to the Administrative Secretary (admin@legalscholars.ac.uk) and outline:

  • the purpose for which an award is sought and how this will advance legal education*
  • the timescale and location envisaged for the activity in question
  • the proposed budget including itemised costs and any potential income
  •  whether (and if so which) other sources of financial support are being sought

Please refer to the SPEF Grants Costing Guidance when preparing your application.

Applications will be adjudicated upon by the President, Vice-President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Chair of the Legal Education Sub-Committee (or a member of that committee nominated by the Chair), who may seek advice as appropriate from other members of the Society.

The panel will consider the quality and significance of the proposed event or project in advancing the interests of legal education. The panel will also take into account the extent to which applications:

  • involve a number of individuals, including either an open call for papers or the ability of a number of members of the Society to attend the event (closed events, limited to speakers only, are unlikely to be funded)
  • adopt an inclusive approach, in terms of taking into account equality and diversity considerations with regard to speakers and participants
  • will confer benefits to the broader legal education community, as opposed to within one or a small number of institutions

The maximum amount that may be awarded in relation to a particular project, event or activity is £5,000.  Funds must be spent within 12 months of notification of a successful application.  Claims cannot be made for time spent in organising or preparing of a particular project, event or activity. We would also expect that PhD students should be able to attend the project, event or activity and that they should pay no attendance fee other than catering / refreshment costs.

Where an award is made, the successful applicant must make a brief report by email to the Honorary Secretary not more than 18 months after the receipt  of the award, to be published in the SLS Reporter and on the Society’s website here

Please use the pro forma Report Form and Claim Form which may be downloaded.

* The charitable objects of the Society are the advancement of legal education in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The Society is of the view that a project focussed on the law of another jurisdiction can advance these objects, for example where it compares the position with that in one or more of the jurisdictions of the UK or, more generally, it addresses a legal problem also found in one or more of those jurisdictions.  

Equality Diversity and Inclusion Committee

To meet our equality and diversity aims in the SLS, we have undertaken to monitor equality and diversity data in respect of those who apply to our funding streams. If you are applying to the Small Projects and Events Fund, we would be grateful if you could complete the questionnaire at the end of the application form to support our monitoring activities. Please be assured that your data will be treated in the strictest confidence. The information you supply has no bearing on the outcome of the funding application and participation is completely voluntary.

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