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3 EU-funded Ph.D positions on Environmental Governance and Compliance @UCDLawSchool

University College Dublin, Sutherland School of Law Three EU-funded Ph.D positions on Environmental Governance and Compliance (4 years) – University College Dublin, Sutherland School of Law Further details are available at: http://www.ucd.ie/law/scholarships/environmentalgovernanceandcompliancephds/

Symposium – Law and Compassion, IALS, 1 July

Symposium –   Law and Compassion Venue:  Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London Date:  Wednesday, 1 July 2015 from 9:15am to 4:45pm Speakers: Keynote Professor Susan Bandes, DePaul University, USA; Dermot Feenan & Daniel Bedford, Portsmouth;  Maks Del Mar, Queen Mary, London; Iain Wilkinson, Kent; Marinos Diamantides, Birkbeck; Victoria Butler-Cole, Barrister; Professor Heather Keating, Sussex Law School; Judge Anselm Eldergill, Court of…

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2 Day Symposium: ‘Corporate Lawyers + Corporate Clients’ @bhamlaw, 29-30 June 2015

2 Day Symposium: ‘Corporate Lawyers + Corporate Clients’ Venue:  Birmingham Law School Date:  29-30 June 2015 – REGISTRATION NOW OPEN The full programme can be found here: https://limitsoflawyers.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/june-symposium-programme.pdf The symposium is free to attend, including a dinner at Ikon Gallery on the Monday evening. Please sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/corporate-lawyers-corporate-clients-power-practice-privilege-tickets-16154252805

Various Events, University of Leeds

University of Leeds (i)   ‘Contemporary Challenges in Competition Law’, Date: 15 May 2015 Venue: School of Law, University of Leeds website: http://www.law.leeds.ac.uk/events/2015/contemporary-challenges-in-competition-law (ii)    ‘Security Rights and the European Insolvency Regulation Conference’, Date:   19 May 2015 Venue:  Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London Details:  https://gallery.mailchimp.com/47624183ad52dd8428c97d3f6/files/Agenda_Conference_London_May_19th_2015.pdf

Workshop: “Asset-Stripping: Responses to the Financing of Terrorism and Crime”, Sussex and Leeds, London 14-15 May

Asset-Stripping: Responses to the Financing of Terrorism and Crime AHRC funded Joint Workshop : Universities of Sussex and Leeds Date:  14-15 May 2015, Venue:  University of Notre Dame: London Law Centre Full details: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/law/newsandevents/dirtyassets/assetstripping

ISPL’s 2015 Space Law and Policy Course, 11-13 May

ISPL’s  2015 Space Law and Policy Course will be offered on the 11th – 13th May. We also offer a half-day course for University students, on Saturday 16 May from 1 – 5 pm. For more information, including fees and course material, please visit our website: http://www.space-institute.org

“The Islamic Marriage Conundrum, Conflicts of Recognition”, IALS, 9 May

Title:  The Islamic Marriage Conundrum, Conflicts of Recognition Date:  Saturday 9 May 2015, 10am to 4pm Speakers: Ian Edge, Vishal Vora and J-P Dequen, School of Oriental and African Studies;  David Hodson; Valentine Le Grice QC;  Justice Andrew Moylan;  Dr Prakash Shah, Queen Mary, University of London. Website:  http://www.events.sas.ac.uk/events/view/18157 Venue: Institute of Advanced Legal Studies,…

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Various Events, Ulster University Law School

Ulster University Law School Monday 27 April 2015 9.45-5pm Transitional Justice Institute Conference ‘Narrative, Power and Commemoration in Conflicted Societies’ Belfast campus http://www.transitionaljustice.ulster.ac.uk/tji_events.html Thursday 30 April 2015 10.00am-5.00pm TJI Conference ‘The more things change, the more they stay the same? Socio-economic rights in times of transition’ Ulster Hall, Belfast http://www.transitionaljustice.ulster.ac.uk/tji_events.html Friday 8 May 2015 9.00am-6.30pm…

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“Informed Decision-Making for Environmental Law, Policy and Regulation”, UC Cork, 23 April

University College Cork 13th Annual Conference for Environmental Professionals Informed Decision-Making for Environmental Law, Policy and Regulation Thursday, 23rd April 2015 Full details and programme at http://www.ucc.ie/en/lawsite/eventsandnews/title-540526-en.html

Brunel University Seminar Series: ‘Culture on the move: Culture on the move: Migration, Living traditions and Cultural Heritage Protection ’.Brunel University Seminar Series: ‘Culture on the move: Culture on the move: Migration, Living traditions and Cultural Heritage Protection’

Brunel University Seminar Series: ‘Culture on the move: Culture on the move: Migration, Living traditions and Cultural Heritage Protection ’. v LECTURE – Wed 22 April 2015, Moot Court (EJ) , 2.30 – 4pm Prof Catherine Wihtol De Wenden discusses : ‘Whose land is it? Migration & Cultural Heritage’ She is a political scientist and…

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