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Best Paper Prize

The Society of Legal Scholars offers a prize for the best paper presented at a subject section session at the Annual Conference. The rules are detailed here: https://www.slsconference.com/best-paper-prize/

The Prize carries a £300 monetary award and may, in the judges’ discretion, be shared between two or more papers. The winning paper(s) will, subject to the usual process of review and publisher’s conditions, appear in Legal Studies.

A shortlist and the prize winner will be announced in the autumn.  The judges reserve the right not to present the award and neither they nor the Society will enter into correspondence about the decisions.

Past winners

2023 Helene Tyrell (Newcastle University) and Conall Mallory (Queens University Belfast), ‘The Extra-judicial Voice’.

2022 Alysia Blackham (University of Melbourne), ‘Abandoning Individual Enforcement? Interrogating the Enforcement of Age Discrimination Law’

2021 Narine Lalafaryan (University of Cambridge/University College London), ‘Orchestrating Finance with Material Adverse Changes’

2020 Mark Dsouza (University College London), ‘Beyond Acts and Omissions: Remark-Able Criminal Conduct’ (Criminal Justice section)

2019 Dean R Knight (Victoria University of Wellington) ‘Contextual review: the instinctive impulse and unstructured normativism in judicial review’ (Public Law)

2018 Rebecca Probert (Exeter) ‘R v Hall and the changing perceptions of the crime of bigamy’.

2017 David Mangan (City) ‘Reconsidering Defamation as a 21st Century Tort’ which was presented within the Media Law Section.

2016 Maria Lee (UCL) ‘Knowledge of landscape in wind energy planning’ .

2015 Gillian Douglas (Cardiff) ‘Towards an understanding of the basis of obligation and commitment in family law’

2014 Rachel Cahill-O’Callaghan (Cardiff) ‘Reframing the Judicial Diversity Debate: Personal Values and Tacit Diversity’

2013 Bruce Wardhaugh (Queen’s University, Belfast) ‘Bogeyman, Lunatics and Fanatics: Collective Actions and the Private Enforcement of European Competition Law’.

2012 Cora Chan (University of Hong Kong) ‘Proportionality and invariable baseline intensity of review’.

2011 Daniel Attenborough (Durham) ‘Giving Purpose to the Corporate Purpose Debate: An Equitable Maximisation and Viability Principle’.

2010 Eric Descheemaeker (Bristol) ‘Truth as a Defence in the Law of Defamation’

2009 Lindsay Stirton (Manchester) and TT Arvind (York University) ‘Using Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis to explain the reception of the Code Napoléon in Germany’.

2008 Professor Richard Taylor (UCLAN) ‘Complicity, legal scholarship and the law of unintended consequences’.

2007 James Lee (Reading) ‘Fidelity in interpretation: Lord Hoffmann and The Adventure of the Empty House’.

Best Paper Prize 2015

Gillian Douglas with President, Andrew Burrows

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